
Calendula & Thyme Scalp & Body Cream ( 2 oz )

$ 36.34

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Description: Vriksha Natural's Calendula & Thyme, Scalp & Body cream is an excellent, steroid-free remedy, for any form of eczema (dermatitis), of the scalp and body.  The herbs used, have a soothing effect, on irritated skin and help eliminate, unhealthy skin and scalp conditions.  Best suited  for kids and adults.

Directions of use: Dispense product with clean hands, to keep the formulation clean and germ free. Initially, apply a small amount on skin, to test, for irritation. For daily use, apply gently to affected area of scalp and body.

Recommended Usage:  Use as needed, on affected area of scalp and/or body. Leave-in for best results.

Ingredients: CocoNucifera(Coconut), AlueritesMolucanna(KukiNut), ArganiaSpinosis(Argan), OcimumSanctum(Tulsi), Glycyrrizhaglabra(Licorice), AzadiratchaIndica(Neem), MenthaPiperita(Peppermint), ArctiumLappa(Burdock), SalixAlba(WhiteWillow), CentellaAsiatica(Gotukola), CurcumaZeodary(WhiteTurmeric), PlectranthusAmboinicus(IndianBorage), Thymus(Thyme), CedrusDeodara(HimalayanCedar), KaempferiaGalanga(Galangal), CalendulaOfficianalis(Calendula), AlthaeaOfficianalis(Marshmallow), PopulusTremuloides(AspenBark), AchilleaMillifolium(Yarrow), ElletariaCardamom(Cardamom), Rubia Tinctorium(IndianMadder), AegleMarmelos(Bael), SymplocusRacemosa(Lodra), VetiveriaZizanoides(Vetiver), Violaodorata(Violet), SantalumAlbum(Sandalwood), BoswelliaCarterii(Frankincense),  HydrogenatedOleaEuropaea(Olivewax), ViolaOdorata(Violet), SantalumAlbum(Sandalwood), BoswelliaCarterii(Frankincense),PtsugaCannadensis(Spruce),LavenderAngustifolia(Lavender).


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